Prayerful musings about faith and life
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Top 10 Things Parenthood has Taught me About God
Parenthood. My calling. For the longest time I couldn't decide how I felt about that... 6 kids in, maybe I am finally starting to get it. I never planned on being a mother. I never envisioned kids, chaos, or constantly feeding people. That wasn’t my dream… But God had...
Irreplaceable – Called to Recognize your Worth
I’m not going to lie, up until pretty much writing this post, I’ve resented being a mother. People tell me, “Just enjoy it, they grow up so fast” …but all I feel is my blood starting to boil a little bit. I’m not saying I regret having children, because I don’t. I...
How to Hear and Answer God’s Call – 9 Lessons in Courage and Clarity from the Burning Bush
I read the story of the Burning Bush with new eyes the other day... Did you know it is like an instruction manual to recognize and answer God's call for your life? Yeah, me neither... Until now. Usually when a story from the Old Testament comes up, I think of it as...
8 Steps to Win all your Spiritual Battles
Want to start winning your spiritual battles? We know there's a war going on, but we aren't always sure what to do in the fight. Besides never surrendering, what is my responsibility? How can I make sure I choose the right side? Maybe your adversary is cunning and...
When it Feels Like God is Silent…
What are we supposed to think when God is silent? If He truly loved us wouldn’t He speak? We are seeking desperately for answers, for encouragement, for consolation… and yet we are met with quiet. Why? Did I do something wrong? Does He not love me? Does He not care?...
10 Life Lessons You will Learn from Working Out
Ever struggled to find motivation for working out? Sometimes that desire for weight loss just isn't enough... Good thing there's more to gain from working out than just fitting into your skinny jeans. My Testimony I have always struggled with my weight, always...