Prayerful musings about faith and life
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4 Pillars of an Unshakable Relationship with God
My undeniable and unshakable relationship with God is the only thing that gets me through my day. It is the only thing that keeps me going in my current season and in our family’s current state of uncertainty. People call us crazy. No one understands. (If you are...
How to Find HOPE when You Need it Most
Life is hard. We do our best to carry our burdens with a smile but, sometimes, we just NEED encouragement. We need something that connects with us in an intense way to lift us up and help us to believe again. We need HOPE. Where can you find hope? There are many...
Creating an Atmosphere of Prayer in your Home – Using Music to Help you Pray
Ever wonder why so many churches even bother with music when most of them are so bad at it? It is just rules or traditions that keep us singing at all our church services? Turns out using music to help you pray is REALLY good for you, no matter what you think of the...
What you need to know to build a strong prayer life
It is only fitting to begin a post on building a strong prayer life with a prayer. Hello Lord, I’m here. I want to spend the next few moments with you so you can teach me how to pray. Open my heart to receive you in this moment and bring me close to you. I want to...
Spiritual Fitness – How Spiritually fit are you?
In my own personal journey toward spiritual fitness, I feel like God has been a sort of personal trainer to me – constantly pushing me past what I thought were my limits, only to discover how much more I was capable of than I thought. It hasn’t been easy, but it has...
The Role of Religion in the Battle for Your Soul
Religion is clearly important as it claims to answer the deepest questions of each and every human heart – why are we here, what are we made for and where did we come from and where are we going. But, I don't need to say that it is also a hotly debated topic. What is...