

Finding Fulfillment in Following God


Prayerful musings about faith and life


Relationship with God


Who We’re Meant to Be


Discernment & Goalsetting

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How to Pray for Someone

How to Pray for Someone

Do you know how to pray for someone? Should we be praying for each other? Do our prayers matter? Why do our prayers so often go "unanswered"? Is there a way to make our prayers more effective? What if the answers to these pressing questions are much simpler than we...

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What to Expect when God brings you Closer to Himself

What to Expect when God brings you Closer to Himself

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a tool to help us gauge our growth in the area of union with God? Most people seem to believe that they should gauge their closeness with God by how touchy-feely they get about Him, how many spiritual consolations they receive in...

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The Most Important Element MISSING in Your Self-Care Routine

The Most Important Element MISSING in Your Self-Care Routine

It's basically established now in the internet world that self-care isn't selfish, it's actually necessary. A requirement that we must incorporate into our daily routines without fail or calamity ensues. The real question is, how WELL are we doing it??? It's basically...

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Free Will & Christian Decision Making-Do Choices Really Matter?

Free Will & Christian Decision Making-Do Choices Really Matter?

I hate decision making. I am basically the posterchild for Emily P. Freeman’s target audience. The weight of the responsibility of choice is, and I’m afraid will ever remain, paralyzing to me. My decisions are usually based on a desirable consequence I envision about...

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