Prayerful musings about faith and life
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How to Invite God into Your Mess: Combatting Perfectionism
I have been trying too hard. Yep, I'm a perfectionist. I've struggled with perfectionism every single day since I can remember... I have been trying to be the best mom in the world. I have been trying to have the most desirable website in the world. I have been...
Called to be Filled – True “Me Time”
We love because he first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19 I have been struggling a lot lately with being so needed. Anyone who is a mother knows this constant feeling all too well. You start to feel like your worth is purely utilitarian, like you don’t matter except when...
Called to Learn – The Secret to Recognizing Life’s Teachable Moments
The other day I was complaining at God about myself. Seems like I do a lot of that... (Read also - Why, God?)) I was complaining that I am insufficient for the job He has been asking me to do. I'm not a patient enough mother, not a good enough listener, not an...
Called to Fight – The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare
My husband and I had been going through a string of hopeful days that somehow end in horrible nights - miscommunications, exhaustion, unkept promises, lack of time for each other, etc, etc, etc. A couple nights ago was the last straw... After what seemed like an...
“I don’t have time for this” …. God’s teachable moments
I was trying to get ready to leave on a trip with my husband. We were finally completely packed and ready to go... all I had left to do was put the kids to bed so we could wake up bright and early the next morning and head out....Then I remembered how I meant to...
What does it mean to be “Docile” to God?
Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that HE is with you, therefore, no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. ~ John Paul II What is Docility? The level of Docility is the level at which the Trust goes from passive to...