

Finding Fulfillment in Following God


Prayerful musings about faith and life


Relationship with God


Who We’re Meant to Be


Discernment & Goalsetting

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3 Ways to Find Balance between Perfectionism and Laziness

3 Ways to Find Balance between Perfectionism and Laziness

I watched a hilarious video from Imomsohard this morning about PostPartumDepression (if PPD could possibly be funny, they did it). Clearly, it had gone pretty much viral with all the Fb shares. I laughed so hard there were tears coming out of my eyes. It's not the...

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Love and Fear – A change in your heart…

Love and Fear – A change in your heart…

I went to my 32 week growth check ultrasound today. This pregnancy, while desired, has been excruciatingly hard for me in both physical and mental ways. I have had chronic nausea, insomnia, nightmares, exhaustion, dehydration, and anemia. I have been experiencing...

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A 4 Step Cure for Longing

A 4 Step Cure for Longing

Do you experience longing in your life?  Longing for more? for relationships that actually matter? for answers? for truth? for honesty? Longing to be understood? known? appreciated? loved? Longing for freedom? from pain? from weakness? addictions? depression? anxiety?...

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2 Keys to Embracing Who You Are

2 Keys to Embracing Who You Are

Embracing who you are is one of the hardest but most important things that we can do as a human person. Who am I? Do I matter? What do I have to offer? Am I important, valued, loved? Self-doubt and the eternal love-hate relationship with ourselves colors every aspect...

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