Prayerful musings about faith and life
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The Purpose of Religion – A Note for the Disillusioned
Religion taught you you should want to be good. Religion taught you you should naturally love God. Religion taught you to feel like everybody else finds this easy and made you feel that if you don't there is something wrong with you. Religion threatened you with Hell...
John 12:25 – Am I Supposed to Hate my Life?
Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. - John 12:25 Hate. It's a strong word. I'm sure you've heard the watered down interpretation of this passage, they all say, "It just means not being 'attached'...
4 Characteristics of True Joy in the Lord
Have you ever questioned how True Joy in the Lord can be compatible with taking up your cross as a Christian? Have you ever despaired of being able to "Choose joy" just because everybody tells you that's what you are supposed to do? Have you ever simply wondered what...
How to Combat Spiritual Burnout This Holiday Season
Spiritual Burnout can be especially bad around the Holidays, and you may not even know you have it! Entering the holidays almost always fills us with a mutual sense of excitement and dread. Excitement at the thought of having some time off and enjoying all the sparkly...
5 Practical Ways to Cultivate a Quiet Heart
Back in the day they didn't have technology, screens, internet, music, and media providing a constant stream of input and noise to contend with at every moment... they also had much stronger faith. Lord, give me a quiet heart that does not ask to understand, but...
The Even Bigger Problem than Emotional Abuse…
"I think I need a break. I might move home for a while. I've realized Alex [husband of 2 years] is abusive…" My friend's confidence cut me to the heart. I was devastated for her. I felt her pain keenly but also felt the pain of seeing yet another of my dear friends'...