

Finding Fulfillment in Following God


Prayerful musings about faith and life


Relationship with God


Who We’re Meant to Be


Discernment & Goalsetting

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Suffering, Sacrifice, and Self-Care

Who am I to write about suffering? I am the WORST at it. Complaining has legitimately been my MO as long as I can remember. I have literally and intentionally sought out the negatives in every situation ever since forever because I thought it was a way to fix or...

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Why Reparation is Necessary for Intimacy

Why Reparation is Necessary for Intimacy

“I’m sorry” Two simple words with such deep layers of meaning.... and yet we toss them about flippantly, seldomly stopping to contemplate the other side. "I’m sorry", has become synonymous with "Oops... aren’t I cute anyway? How can you stay mad at this face? Don’t...

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Is it Possible to Stop Sinning? – The Simple Antidote

Is it Possible to Stop Sinning? – The Simple Antidote

Today was a horrible day. Some would judge me and say I am oppressed by religious guilt over being human, maybe I even need counseling to help myself believe that the "petty things" I regret are truly petty. But, I know it's more than that. It's not about the actual...

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For When You Just Don’t Love God…

For When You Just Don’t Love God…

Someone very dear to me confessed to me once 'but I just don't love God like that! if heaven is all white robes, playing harps and praising God all day, I'm not even sure I want to go there" This may be a trite and imperfect description of heaven uttered in a huff of...

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The Binding Force of Lasting Relationships

The Binding Force of Lasting Relationships

A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. - Sirach 6:14 Cute words for a coffee mug... but how often do we really find these lasting relationships in our cancel culture anymore? I know I used to take friendship for granted. I loved...

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The Difference between Magic and Miracles…

The Difference between Magic and Miracles…

A letter for the New Year... I'm so tired of Hallmark and Pixar stealing the word miracle and degrading it to "magic". The world would have us believe that the two concepts are completely interchangeable... or else, if there has to be a difference, that magic is a...

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