Prayerful musings about faith and life
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How to Fast When Traditional Fasting is Too Much
The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast. – Matthew 9:15 If we are disciples of Jesus, we should be fasting - and not just during Lent, but all the time! Problem is, it is WAY too easy to make excuses and justify...
Why Fast? 5 Surprising Reasons to Embrace Spiritual Fasting
Growing up the focus was always on making sure we were fed. We lived, laughed, and loved around the table. Meals were everything and treats were the solution to every problem as well as the perfect means of celebrating every joyful moment. We had a generous, loving,...
How to Embrace Your Cross – 2 Practical Steps
Is it even possible to Embrace a Cross? We all have crosses. Maybe they are objectively horrible, or only intolerable to us. But we all suffer and it is always more than we can handle. Matthew 16:24 exhorts: "Take up your cross..." and yet our tendency instead is to...
3 Reasons Why LENT is my Favorite Liturgical Season
When I say "Lent is my favorite season" or "I'm so excited for Lent to start!" people look at me like I'm crazy. Am I crazy? Maybe a little masochistic (in the eyes of the world)? Or is there just a secret that most of the world has forgotten? 3 Reasons why Lent is...
Rediscovering the Purpose of Lent
What is the real Purpose of Lent? Why do we have this season anyway? Why all the focus on "sacrifice"? Why do we fast? How do we decide what to "give up" or what to do? Why make resolutions anyway? It is true that Lent encourages us to make sacrifices, to "die to...
When Your Lent Feels Like a Desert…
Do you dislike Lent? Does it feel like a season for annoying rules and complaining? Do your good intentions feel somehow unappreciated or worthless? Does your extra prayer or acts of service seem empty, aimless or uncertain? Hatred for Lent seems to be an epidemic.......