Prayerful musings about faith and life
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Rediscovering the Purpose of Lent
What is the real Purpose of Lent? Why do we have this season anyway? Why all the focus on "sacrifice"? Why do we fast? How do we decide what to "give up" or what to do? Why make resolutions anyway? It is true that Lent encourages us to make sacrifices, to "die to...
When Your Lent Feels Like a Desert…
Do you dislike Lent? Does it feel like a season for annoying rules and complaining? Do your good intentions feel somehow unappreciated or worthless? Does your extra prayer or acts of service seem empty, aimless or uncertain? Hatred for Lent seems to be an epidemic.......
How to make Good Lenten Resolutions
How can you be sure that your Lenten resolutions this year have you on the right track? Will you be able to accomplish them? How do you gauge if you had a “good” Lent? What is necessary to "have a good Lent"? So, many questions, one simple answer. Let God Design it...
Why God Permits me to Fail at my Goals – and How to Leverage It!
I guess experience makes me qualified to write about failure. From where I sit, when I look at the grand scheme of all my plans, by all outward appearance at this moment in my life, I am one. I’ve worked for many years to learn all the S.M.A.R.T. things and do all the...
When Goals Steal your Peace…
Goals are supposed to be a tool to help us align our actions with our priorities and make us make progress towards what matters to us. Sounds good right? Well, then why do we so often fail at our goals? Or better yet, when we succeed at them, why do they leave us...
2 Prayers to Keep us Humble
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ~ Matthew 11:29 Humility is so "unpopular". It is literally the opposite of everything we believe to be good as a society right now: "stand up for...