

Finding Fulfillment in Following God


Discernment & goalsetting

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When Goals Steal your Peace…

When Goals Steal your Peace…

Goals are supposed to be a tool to help us align our actions with our priorities and make us make progress towards what matters to us. Sounds good right? Well, then why do we so often fail at our goals? Or better yet, when we succeed at them, why do they leave us...

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Is Self-Care compatible with Christian “Death-to-Self”?

Is Self-Care compatible with Christian “Death-to-Self”?

Is Self-Care compatible with Christian Death-to-Self?  This question is especially important in a culture where self-care is preached as the solution to every problem and depression is still at an all time high.  Are we just not doing enough "self-care"? Or could...

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On the days when Motherhood is Hard…

On the days when Motherhood is Hard…

This May I dedicated my blog to living motherhood as a calling. I spent some time revisiting past posts in which I have reflected on what motherhood has taught me, what makes it beautiful, and what makes it hard. Many days are hard. Most days are messy. Post-Partum...

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