by ParticularlyCALLED | Feb 13, 2020 | Endurance, Self Care
You know you’ve experienced it… Marital loneliness… …that ache of feeling unequally yoked? of missing the “friend” you used to have? Or, wondering what happened to the person you thought you married? But, it’s not because they...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Feb 5, 2020 | Endurance
Does your marriage need healing? I hope this beautiful testimony from Michele gives you hope that no matter how minor or how deeply ingrained your difficulties are, there is always hope, as long as we are willing to humble ourselves to trust God’s biblical...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Nov 7, 2019 | Endurance
Unshakable trust…. It sounds nice, but is it realistic? Have you ever had to make a conscious choice to trust God even when it doesn’t make sense? Even when everything in you says to turn and run? I feel like this is a regular occurrence, at least in my...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Aug 4, 2019 | Endurance, Prayer
I used to think that it was impossible to “pray without ceasing”, or that I didn’t have enough time to pray. HA. Now I laugh in the face of that naivete, and wonder how I ever survived before I learned these simple tips. 7 Clever Ways to Pray without...
by ParticularlyCALLED | May 29, 2019 | Discernment, Endurance, Prayer
Are you frustrated that it doesn’t seem like God is ever going to answer your prayers? Have you been praying consistently and wonder why nothing is happening? This frustration can be very real for anyone but especially the Christian who is trying to be faithful in...