by ParticularlyCALLED | Mar 22, 2019 | Personal Growth
The Topic of Spiritual Warfare seems to barraging my circles recently. The Lies of the Enemy are real and they are messing with our hearts, our psyches, and threatening to take away our peace. Why is it that when people make the choice to grow closer to God or commit...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Dec 7, 2018 | Personal Growth, Prayer, Quiet and Listening to God, Spiritual Growth
Do you know what it feels like to be passing through a season of Spiritual Dryness? Where are all the warm fuzzies that you had when you started your journey? Maybe you haven’t done anything wrong. Perhaps, it’s just the opposite… Are YOU...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Oct 19, 2018 | Discernment, Personal Growth
Everything in the universe lately seems to be speaking to me of spiritual greatness. I could ramble and muse about this for days but I think it all boils down to one key point. What does spiritual greatness even mean? Is someone “spiritually great” because they blog...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Aug 17, 2018 | Personal Growth, Prayer
I have to recommit every day in order to prioritize my prayer life. This time genuinely sustains my life. It gives me rest, energy and peace. Without it, I can’t imagine what my life would be like. My marriage definitely wouldn’t be as close. My parenting wouldn’t...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Jul 6, 2018 | Self-Acceptance
DO you ever find yourself asking, Does God really love me? Is there a way to KNOW if it is true? It seems we can’t get away from the cheesy emoticon bumper-stickers that say “Smile, God loves you!” Does it ever feel like people are “just saying that”? Have you ever...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Jun 22, 2018 | Personal Growth, Quiet and Listening to God, Spiritual Growth
Do you talk too much??? You are not alone. Most people don’t even notice it. It is so common now that it is practically mainstream and even seen as a positive thing in many instances. It has taken me years to recognize it’s negative impact on my own life....