by ParticularlyCALLED | Jul 28, 2017 | Personal Growth, Quiet and Listening to God
The other day I was complaining at God about myself. Seems like I do a lot of that… (Read also – Why, God?)) I was complaining that I am insufficient for the job He has been asking me to do. I’m not a patient enough mother, not a good enough...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Jun 16, 2017 | Personal Growth, Prayer
My husband and I had been going through a string of hopeful days that somehow end in horrible nights – miscommunications, exhaustion, unkept promises, lack of time for each other, etc, etc, etc. A couple nights ago was the last straw… After what seemed...
by | Feb 13, 2017 | Discernment, Prioritizing your life, Quiet and Listening to God |
Busyness can be a healthy and beautiful thing if we are called to it, but that the moment it takes us away from Christ and the peace he wants to offer us, then our busyness is no longer godly. Is your busyness of God, or distracting you from Him? Martha was just...
by | Feb 1, 2017 | Intimacy
Are you ever angry about life? Don’t know why things are going the way they are? Are you having trouble believing that you can let go of control in your life in order to find peace? Despite your efforts, are your well-intentioned and well-designed life plans...