by ParticularlyCALLED | Jun 15, 2022 | Spiritual Growth
My friend was telling me the other day how, when she asked about the Trinity, her pastor (Non-Denominational Protestant) answered, “Oh, I avoid talking about that because it’s just too complicated!” Both of us were rather aghast. The Trinity might be...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Jun 8, 2022 | Grace and Strength, Spiritual Growth
I almost titled this post, “What’s Religion got to do with it?”, but the other title was better for SEO 🙂 Nevertheless, the question still stands. More and more and more people are dropping by the hour into believing that it it doesn’t have...
by ParticularlyCALLED | May 25, 2022 | Grace and Strength, Spiritual Growth
Sources of Grace – Christian Life of Grace Series Continued… In my last post in this series we talked about what Grace really is (and how it has been distorted), and that while it is all around us, much like oxygen, we still need to tap into it ever more...
by ParticularlyCALLED | May 18, 2022 | Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth
Intro to the New Life of Grace Series! As I write this I am tired, spent from the demands of another long day. I sit down to refuge in the sound and the texture of my .05 G2 as it softly and smoothly scratches its shiny black ink across the page to let some of the...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Mar 31, 2022 | Personal Growth, Seasonal Reflections, Spiritual Growth
How to fast without giving up food? Is that even possible? Isn’t fasting by definition, “the foregoing of food” (literally: “to abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink especially as a religious observance” (Oxford Languages)? But ever...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Jul 25, 2021 | Endurance, Personal Growth, Prioritizing your life, Spiritual Growth
Wondering how to get motivated for the little mundane things you know you should do but they just don’t seem exciting enough to always move us for their own sakes… ie. Saying your prayers, getting out of bed, working out, having that conversation, kindness when you...