

Finding Fulfillment in Following God


Who I’m meant to be

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What is Grace? + Can you Have a Stronger Life of Grace?

What is Grace? + Can you Have a Stronger Life of Grace?

Intro to the New Life of Grace Series! As I write this I am tired, spent from the demands of another long day. I sit down to refuge in the sound and the texture of my .05 G2 as it softly and smoothly scratches its shiny black ink across the page to let some of the...

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What is a Rule of Life & Why You Need One!

What is a Rule of Life & Why You Need One!

A rule of life? Well, that sounds boring and terrible… and maybe even a bit medieval. Where is the freedom, the spontaneity, the enjoyment? Maybe it’s all well and good for people in monasteries and such (do monasteries still exist?) but how could it possibly benefit...

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What does God want from You in your Single Season?

What does God want from You in your Single Season?

Did you know that your single season is the most important season of your life? That how you live it has the potential to set you up for a future of hope, clarity, authenticity, courage, and excellence, or frustration, confusion, difficulty, depression, and hardship...

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11 Effective Ways to Fast without Giving up Food

11 Effective Ways to Fast without Giving up Food

How to fast without giving up food? Is that even possible? Isn’t fasting by definition, "the foregoing of food" (literally: "to abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink especially as a religious observance" (Oxford Languages)? But ever since Social Media has...

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How to Fast When Traditional Fasting is Too Much

How to Fast When Traditional Fasting is Too Much

The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast. – Matthew 9:15 If we are disciples of Jesus, we should be fasting - and not just during Lent, but all the time! Problem is, it is WAY too easy to make excuses and justify...

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