Who I’m meant to be
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Called to be Filled – True “Me Time”
We love because he first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19 I have been struggling a lot lately with being so needed. Anyone who is a mother knows this constant feeling all too well. You start to feel like your worth is purely utilitarian, like you don’t matter except when...
Called to Learn – The Secret to Recognizing Life’s Teachable Moments
The other day I was complaining at God about myself. Seems like I do a lot of that... (Read also - Why, God?)) I was complaining that I am insufficient for the job He has been asking me to do. I'm not a patient enough mother, not a good enough listener, not an...
Called to Fight – The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare
My husband and I had been going through a string of hopeful days that somehow end in horrible nights - miscommunications, exhaustion, unkept promises, lack of time for each other, etc, etc, etc. A couple nights ago was the last straw... After what seemed like an...
“I don’t have time for this” …. God’s teachable moments
I was trying to get ready to leave on a trip with my husband. We were finally completely packed and ready to go... all I had left to do was put the kids to bed so we could wake up bright and early the next morning and head out....Then I remembered how I meant to...
The Capacity of a Heart…
I thought Tarcisius was going to be a dejavu child, a replica, an afterthought, a double take. After all, when he was born he looked indistinguishable from my others and his birthday is the same week as 2 of them. I thought that the fact that we didn't travel during...
Called to the Cross… A reflection on Psalm 22
Last week I was told to reflect on Psalm 22. I had been crying to my friend about the trials of bedtime with 4 littles and a tired mommy especially when daddy isn't there to help.... and my prayer was a beautiful experience - not just, I think, for mothers but for...