

Finding Fulfillment in Following God


My relationship with God

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What is the Purpose of Lent? – Why live Lent?

What is the Purpose of Lent? – Why live Lent?

Lent is coming up quickly. It's so easy to "give up chocolate" or take the cursory but meaningless, "I'll be nicer", approach to Lent (now that "Don't just give up chocolate for Lent" has become popularized). Maybe our goal is to "Read the Bible more" or "Pray 10...

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Why Seek God? – Benefits vs. Difficulty

Why Seek God? – Benefits vs. Difficulty

Why seek God? Seek the Lord, while He may be found: call upon him, while He is near. - Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and His justice, and all these things shall be added unto you. - Matthew 6:33 We live in a culture of self-sufficiency. We...

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The Real Problem with Catholicism…

The Real Problem with Catholicism…

I've been reading internet articles and listening to people spout their anti-Catholic nonsense for years. Problem is, none of it makes me hate Catholicism, it's just another form of bullying or prejudice, based on false information, misunderstandings, painful...

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How to Foster a Spirit of Mental or Interior Silence

How to Foster a Spirit of Mental or Interior Silence

Interior quietude allows you to experience a strong connection with God no matter what is going on around you. It is like a clear communication channel, one that does not easily succumb to distraction or get drowned out by the “static” of everyday life. Mental silence...

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The Truth about Catholic Guilt

The Truth about Catholic Guilt

Catholic Guilt is an unpleasant conversation topic. Most people refer to "Catholic guilt" as the unreasonable weight of conscience they experience for "sins" they personally deem to be harmless. Why should God care if I do this? I'm not hurting anyone. There is no...

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