

Finding Fulfillment in Following God


My relationship with God

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What to Expect when God brings you Closer to Himself

What to Expect when God brings you Closer to Himself

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a tool to help us gauge our growth in the area of union with God? Most people seem to believe that they should gauge their closeness with God by how touchy-feely they get about Him, how many spiritual consolations they receive in...

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The Purpose of Religion – A Note for the Disillusioned

The Purpose of Religion – A Note for the Disillusioned

Religion taught you you should want to be good. Religion taught you you should naturally love God. Religion taught you to feel like everybody else finds this easy and made you feel that if you don't there is something wrong with you. Religion threatened you with Hell...

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5 Practical Ways to Cultivate a Quiet Heart

5 Practical Ways to Cultivate a Quiet Heart

Back in the day they didn't have technology, screens, internet, music, and media providing a constant stream of input and noise to contend with at every moment... they also had much stronger faith. Lord, give me a quiet heart that does not ask to understand, but...

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The Reality of Living Marriage as a Calling

The Reality of Living Marriage as a Calling

No one ever told me this would be easy, but I never knew that it could be this hard" - "Brave" Moriah Peters . Truer words were never spoken of marriage. First, let me give a tiny disclaimer: I am married and I would do it all over again an infinite number of times....

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Why Reparation is Necessary for Intimacy

Why Reparation is Necessary for Intimacy

“I’m sorry” Two simple words with such deep layers of meaning.... and yet we toss them about flippantly, seldomly stopping to contemplate the other side. "I’m sorry", has become synonymous with "Oops... aren’t I cute anyway? How can you stay mad at this face? Don’t...

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