My relationship with God
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Why and How to Overcome a Fear of Silence
For the heart that desires peace or any sort of spiritual life at all, a lack of silence is the worst plague of modern society. It's a bold claim, but the average modern American household has three plus televisions, to which we have approximately 6+ hours of exposure...
Is it Possible to Stop Sinning? – The Simple Antidote
Today was a horrible day. Some would judge me and say I am oppressed by religious guilt over being human, maybe I even need counseling to help myself believe that the "petty things" I regret are truly petty. But, I know it's more than that. It's not about the actual...
For When You Just Don’t Love God…
Someone very dear to me confessed to me once 'but I just don't love God like that! if heaven is all white robes, playing harps and praising God all day, I'm not even sure I want to go there" This may be a trite and imperfect description of heaven uttered in a huff of...
4 Attitudes Preventing Your Strong Relationship with God
How do you know if you have a strong relationship with God or not? Do you feel like you are growing in your relationship with God… or is it stagnant? Is your prayer life invigorating, changing you, or making a difference in your life… or is it something you fight?...
Do you have a Genuine Relationship with God? – 10 Diagnostic Questions
How do you know if you have a genuine relationship with God? In this new year, let's renew our relationship with God - let's recommit to the beauty, intensity and exhilaration that a life of following His plan brings. Let's use the following 10 questions to evaluate...
How to Practice Mortification in Everyday Life
The ability to make sacrifices in service of a greater good is the hallmark of maturity. - Jordan Peterson Despite the horrors and negative connotations connected with its name, all mortification means is simply that one chooses what is right over how they "feel". It...