Ever struggled to find motivation for working out? Sometimes that desire for weight loss just isn’t enough… Good thing there’s more to gain from working out than just fitting into your skinny jeans.
My Testimony
I have always struggled with my weight, always measured in the overweight/obese category on a BMI scale. As a child, I never learned anything about nutrition or a balanced lifestyle and acutely felt the lack of knowledge as an adult.
It wasn’t until after my first child was born that I finally began my journey to a healthier self.
The first 2 years were almost unbearable for me. I wanted to be fit but hated the pain of physical exertion, especially in my weak and flabby state. I screamed and swore more than I care to admit and nearly punched a hole in the wall more than once (needless to say, it brought out the fact that I had some anger issues to work on as well).
However, once I changed my habits I made it from 193 to 138 lbs. I felt strong and capable and beautiful for the first time ever. I’ve had 5 children since this initial transformation and recovered each time better than the last.

Finally getting in shape for the first time. I was able to wear a dress and feel confident in my body!
Obviously, my life has changed dramatically in a physical light, but, in many ways, the real lessons I have learned from this journey are far deeper and more fundamental.
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10 Life Lessons you will learn from Working Out
1 – Everything takes practice
Sometimes what the “experts” say doesn’t make sense at first but if you keep trying and trusting you will eventually understand.
2 – Be patient
Results may not happen overnight, but they are happening!
3 – Only you can make it happen
No one else can work out for you. You must choose to change your life. Sitting around wishing doesn’t get you anywhere.
On the flipside, only you can sabotage yourself. Blaming others for your failure is just an excuse not to succeed.
4 – You are stronger than you know
You have to push yourself further than you think you can go to get stronger.
Also, there is no cap on strength, you can always get stronger. Surpassing your limits makes you feel capable of anything.
5 – You are weaker than you know (and that’s ok)
You have to know your weaknesses in order to strengthen them to become a better person.
Working out shows you your weaknesses. It also is a wonderful coping mechanism and outlet for stress, anger and hurt.
Read also: Allowing God to Work through your Human Weakness
6 – True healing comes from the inside
Working out changes you from the inside out. It heals the sources of our problems. Exercise puts oxygen in our bloodstream and endorphins in our brain. It makes your skin, your hair, and your immune system better, stronger and healthier. Living an active lifestyle even makes you crave healthy foods (makes you want what is good for you).
Working out is real “self care” – not just a Bandaid.
7 – Pain heals
When working out, things always feel worse before they feel better. That first week of soreness is daunting but you have to get past it to see the benefits.
Don’t run from the work – embrace the work. [tweetshare tweet=”Great pain is an opportunity to experience great healing” username=”CarolynMPereira”]
8 – Things that look like obstacles really aren’t
I had an emergency c-section and thought I would never be able to use my abs again. Think of all the stories you have heard of people who have run a marathon with a prosthetic leg or become a gymnast in a wheelchair.
People of all ages, sizes and health levels have achieved goals like yours. You just have to choose to believe that you can do anything and that God will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle.
9 – Balance is crucial to life
Working out teaches you balance. The work out is only one part of the active lifestyle. Just as important as working out is nutrition, warming up, stretching, and resting.
10 – God is a personal trainer
He pushes you past your limits to show you what you are capable of.
Share Below: Why do you include exercise in your self-care routine? Have you learned any life lessons from working out?
Read also: Will Following God’s will make you happy?
#Togetherinthetrenches #ParticularlyCALLED
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