

Finding Fulfillment in Following God

Have you been wanting a close relationship with God in your life? Does it need work? Are you struggling? Maybe you have one of these problems…

How do I know if my Relationship with God even needs work?

The simple answer?  Our relationship with God ALWAYS needs work!!!

I don’t care if you are Mother Theresa or the Pope, you NEED to work on your relationship with God!  But, this is not a negative thing.

This is a privilege!!!

We are honored to be a human beings who CAN HAVE a real relationship with God in the first place!

Just like in any healthy relationship, “working on the relationship” just looks like strong communication, working together, spending time together, and growing deeper in love.

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Why is my relationship with God important?

“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock. And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. And it collapsed and was completely ruined.” – Matthew 7:24-47

Your relationship with God is the rock on which you can build a life that will never collapse.  It is how we hear Himhow we trust Him, how we follow Him. It is the answer to every question and the solution to literally every problem, not to mention the fundamental calling of every human being.

The Fundamental calling to Relationship with God

Each and every human calling stems from this fundamental calling.

Within this relationship we:

  • find out who we are and who we were made to be
  • come to have a greater appreciation for how we were created, with our talents, our aversions and even our physical characteristics
  • discover the calling we most often think about: what to do with my life.

Read also: How to know if God’s will will make me Happy?

Considering all this, I’d have to say our relationship with Him is just a little important. 😉

Common “Problems” with our Relationship with God

1 – We think the relationship is stronger than it is

so, we don’t work on it like we should…

We go to church and “pray for stuff” when we need it….Because, that’s all you need to do, right?

Um… nope.

This problem is most common when someone else has told you HOW you “have to have” a relationship with God 

This makes your relationship with God impersonal and a mere replica of someone else’s. Not only does this make the relationship impossible to sustain, but also leaves you wondering if it is even possible to relate to God, or if it was all a lie.Personal Relationship with God _ Seek God _ Calling

This is a major reason some people have a problem with religion. If we could just focus on religion as being the way we live out our relationship with God, then people’s view of religion would be COMPLETELY different!

If this is your situation, please, don’t give up. There is hope, hope that can only be found in Christ. Seek HIM!

Read also:

2 – We aren’t truly seeking God

Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves and were filled. – John 6:26

This is a problem when we only want Him when it’s convenient or when we need something.

Are we truly seeking God or are we only looking for what He can do for us? 

Read also:

3 – We aren’t truly open

Can you truly say you want to let Him in to each and every part of your life? (Rather than only wanting into His).

Strong relationships need to be mutual, two sided.

Do your part. Be vulnerable! Let Him in.

Read also:

4 – We aren’t humble enough to accept His love

Do you sometimes choose to wallow in our attitudes of fear, distrust, etc? I know a good, old pity party can be fun in the moment, but ultimately it is hurting your relationship with God.

Read also:

Other Resources to help you Grow

Read these other articles to start building a stronger relationship with God today or try one of our E-courses.

Can I help you with any one of these topics? Let me know below and I will get you more resources or encouragement on anything you need in order to focus every day more on strengthening your relationship with God. 

#ParticularlyCALLED #Togetherinthetrenches #IamCALLED

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Building a relationship with God, deeper relationship with God, how to have a relationship with God, personal relationship with God, relationship with God tips, strengthen my relationship with God Building a relationship with God, deeper relationship with God, how to have a relationship with God, personal relationship with God, relationship with God tips, strengthen my relationship with God Building a relationship with God, deeper relationship with God, how to have a relationship with God, personal relationship with God, relationship with God tips, strengthen my relationship with God