by ParticularlyCALLED | Mar 16, 2018 | Discernment
joyHave you ever been simply too scared to seriously consider following God’s will in your life? Thought maybe you’d be happier if you just made your own plan and followed that? Is there truly a “plan” for your existence? Or, the even bigger...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Mar 9, 2018 | Discernment, Uncategorized
I used to think that I had a calling to do something or be something one day…. I thought that “Vocation” meant I had to become a celibate religious person or else I “didn’t have one”. I thought if I wasn’t called to that life,...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Feb 2, 2018 | Discernment, Quiet and Listening to God
I love listening to God. His voice is so calming, so comforting, so encouraging, so motivating, so surprising. He is quiet, but then, all of a sudden, He speaks. God is always surprising me with little things He says. They are usually short and sweet and come out of...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Aug 25, 2017 | Self Care
We love because he first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19 I have been struggling a lot lately with being so needed. Anyone who is a mother knows this constant feeling all too well. You start to feel like your worth is purely utilitarian, like you don’t matter except when...
by ParticularlyCALLED | Jul 28, 2017 | Personal Growth, Quiet and Listening to God
The other day I was complaining at God about myself. Seems like I do a lot of that… (Read also – Why, God?)) I was complaining that I am insufficient for the job He has been asking me to do. I’m not a patient enough mother, not a good enough...